‘Inspire Me!’ Post 1.


‘What was the one experience that completely changed your life? What happened? How did it change your life?’

I feel that having even one constant in life is important. One thing which was never the same in my life was my relationships. Well that’s not entirely true. They were the same. That was the problem. Every single one of my relationships were boring and uneventful.

When I came to university, I spent my first year in halls of residence. The apartment I lived in contained five of us all together. Apologies for the cliché, but I actually did fall in love within the first night of meeting one of my housemates. Problem was, I was already in a relationship, but like all of my previous encounters with the opposite sex, it had become stale, boring and ultimately, the relationship had died.

I was then faced with the decision, did I stick with the relationship I was already in, and try desperately cling to the slowly fading embers? Or did I plunge headfirst into a situation that was entirely new to me? Of course I took a deep breath and dived!

Taking that risk was the best thing that ever happened to me! My partner and I are very happy together, not so happy with where we are living, but that all changes soon! That, however, is another story entirely.

I suppose the moral behind my story is, don’t always stick with the situations you know and despise. Do not allow yourself to fall into a routine. Take chances sometimes. Plan your life! Don’t let life plan you.

Live life to the max.